
CIPFA Research on internal audit in the public services

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is conducting research on internal audit in the public services. We would like to hear from internal auditors, organisational directors, board members, audit committee members, elected representatives and non-executive directors – as well as anyone else who relies on the work of internal audit in public service organisations, including higher education and housing bodies.

CIPFA knows how valuable internal audit can be in supporting organisations to better achieve their objectives, grow understanding of their internal controls and more effectively manage risks. Internal audit plays a key role in supporting public statements on internal control and governance, as well as providing valuable assurance and advisory services to support the decision making of the leadership team and oversight by the audit committee.

The public services are complex organisations and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has brought new challenges. Internal auditors must respond to the changing risks and expectations of their clients and stakeholders and maintain their professional knowledge and skills.

The survey is short and should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete, you do not need to answer every question. Furthermore, you can exit the survey at any point and return to it if you wish.

The findings and conclusions of our research will be published by CIPFA in early 2022. The report will support all those with an interest in effective internal audit in the public services.

Rob Whiteman CBE | Chief Executive | CIPFA

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